Nulled Progress Map WordPress Plugin free download

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Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 1

Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 2

Progress Map is a wordpress plugin for location based listings. The aim is to help users having websites like hotel listings, real estate listings, restaurant listings, job listings, store listings & more… to list their locations on Google map and to easily navigate through the map using a carousel.

In other words, with Progress Map, your locations are going to be published on both Google map (as Markers) and on a carousel. The carousel will be connected to the map, which means that the selected item in the carousel will target its location on the map and vice versa.

To add your locations, Progress Map provides a form area in the “Add new post” page allowing you to – easily – add your location’s coordinates.

Progress Map comes with the Possibility to work with the default Post Types (Posts & Pages) as well as Custom Post Types. There’s no limit constraints on the number of Custom Post types to use. Just install the plugin, go to the plugin settings page, select the Post Type that you want to use with your map and you are ready to go.

Support available from Monday to Friday. Please note that my timezone is UTC/GMT 0

Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 3

Map Features

Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 4Very optimized and powerfull map ready to use for a large amount of markers. (Tested on 14000+ markers).
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 5KML Layers. Possibility to display the KML layers. KML & KMZ files supported.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 6Polylines & Polygons. Possibility to create an unlimited number of Polylines & Polygons.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 770+ Map Styles ready to use.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 8Possibility to add your custom Map Style.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 9Initial Map Style. Possibility to choose the initial style of the map. (Map, Satellite, Terrain, Hybrid or your Custom Style).
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 10Custom markers. Add unlimited types of markers by setting a marker image for each category of locations.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 11Clustred Markers.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 12Possibility to display all (with no limit constraints) the locations having the same LatLng coordinates.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 13Autofit. Possibility to extend the map bounds to contain all markers & clusters & overlays.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 14Geo targeting. Possibility to determine the geolocation of a website visitor.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 15Set the map language.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 16Retina display for map markers & clusters.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 17Possibility to choose between 7 different and amazing infowindows.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 18Possibility to control and to costumize almost all the Google Map UI elements (zoom control, map type control etc …) from backend.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 19And MORE …

Various Infowindows

Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 20

Powerful admin panel

Progress Map provides an extremely advanced admin panel, 100% customized with various sections and a strongly described forms. From simply selecting the layout style, to adopting your own style, uploading your map markers and clusters, changing the carousel animation, the admin panel will controls it all.

Fully customizable

Progress Map makes it easy to fully customize the look of your Map. Select a fixed or wide layout, place the carousel on the top, the bottom, the right or on the left of the map, hide and show the carousel, change the view of the carousel items by selecting the horizontal view or the vertical view, define the size of the carousel items, add your custom fields to the items details area, add your custom CSS style, all that and more can be done within minutes. Be creative and make your unique style.

Custom Post Types support

Progress Map is ready to use with the default Post Types (Posts & Pages) as well as with any Custom Post Type.

From the admin panel, you can change the background color of the carousel, upload your own arrows images, customize the style of the carousel items by giving them different colors, different size and many more options.

Features List

Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 21The Map is 100% customizable from the plugin settings page.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 22Add your posts LatLng coordinates from the “Add new post” page.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 23Possibility to add more than one location per post.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 24Possibility to connect the plugin with any Custom Post Type.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 25Put the carousel above, beneath, to the right, or the left of the map with one easy to set option
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 26Responsive and Mobiles friendly.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 27Possibility to change the center point of the map
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 28Clustered markers for a map with a large number of locations
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 29Possibility to customize the (+/-) zoom controls.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 30Possibility to upload your custom markers.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 31Possibility to upload your custom clusters.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 32Various types of infowindows.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 33Possibility to show/hide the infowindows.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 34Possibility to control the Google Map UI elements from the plugin settings page.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 35Possibility to show/hide the carousel.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 36Carousel items fully resizable and fully customizable.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 37Images and Thumbs fully resizable.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 38A powerfull search form with possibility to select a distance of search & an option to draw a circle around the search area.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 39Possiblity to add unlimited distances, select a distance unit (Km & Miles), enable/disable the circle option & customize the circle style.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 40Possibility to change the map style. Includes 70+ wonderfull style that will give your map an amazing view.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 41Possibility to add a unique style by providing the Javascript style array.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 42Possibility to choose the Initial map style. (Map, Satellite, Terrain, Hybrid & Custom style)
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 43Geo targetting. Possibility to geolocate the website visitor.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 44Retina display for map markers & clusters.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 45Loading bar & spinner indicating the loading process of the map.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 46Possibility to display multiple instances of the map.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 47Possibility to show/hide the carousel and faceted search for each instance of the map.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 48Possibility to override the default query settings for each instance of the map.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 49Possibility to add custom marker for each category of locations.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 50Possibility to filter locations by catgories, tags or custom taxonomy terms.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 51Possibility to filter locations by selecting one taxonomy terms or multiple taxonomy terms.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 52Show the number of your locations on top of the map with possibility to change the default clause text & style.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 53Possibility to display locations by categories, tags, custom fields, status and more…
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 54Move the carousel using Touch Swipe.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 55Move the carousel using the scroll wheel.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 56Hide the carousel on Mobiles.
Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 57And MORE …

Progress Map WordPress Plugin - 58

Flag Counter


27.02.2019 - version 4.6

- NEW: Added possibility to connect a KML/KMZ layer to a post and make the KML/KMZ layer visibility dependent to that post visibility on the map.
- NEW: Added possibility to connect an image (Ground Overlay) to a post and make the image visibility dependent to that post visibility on the map.
- NEW: Added possibility to connect a polyline to a post and make the polyline visibility dependent to that post visibility on the map.
- NEW: Added possibility to connect a polygon to a post and make the polygon visibility dependent to that post visibility on the map.
- NEW: Added possibility to open the "Nearby places" Map inside the modal by clicking on the infobox or the marker.
- NEW: Added possibility to change the Modal width & height.
- NEW: Added possibility to force to open the modal in fullscreen.
- Fixed a PHP error
01.10.2018 - version 4.4

- Fixed a PHP error that occurs while updating the plugin from v3 to v4.
10.09.2018 - version 4.3

- Fixed a PHP error that prevents updating the maps.
- Fixed a PHP error that prevents regenerating markers.
17.08.2018 - version 4.2

- New: Added support for "Map Background" feature. "Map settings => Map background".
- New: Added support for "clickable Icons" feature. "Map settings => clickable Icons".
- New: Added support fo "Rotate Control" feature. "Map settings => Show rotate control".
- New: Added support "Scale Control" feature. "Map settings => Show scale control".
- New: Added support for "Cooperative Gesture Handling" feature. "Map settings => Scroll wheel".
- New: Added support for "Fullscreen control" feature. "Map settings => Show fullscreen control".
- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to add new posts to the map.
12.08.2018 - version 4.1

- Fixed a PHP error that appears after installing the plugin.
- Fixed a JS error.
25.07.2018 - version 4.0

- New: Added support for Marker Labels:

  1. Possibility to display marker labels "Marker labels settings".
  2. Possibility to automatically label all markers with a number that represents the order of each marker on the map "Marker labels settings => Automatically label all markers with a number".
  3. Possibility to manually label markers with a number or letter "Marker labels settings => manually label markers".
  4. Possibility to use a unique marker label style or to use different style for each marker on your map.

- New: Added support for Marker Popups:

  1. Possibility to display marker popups "Marker popups settings".
  2. Possibility to display the value of a custom field as the content of the marker popups.
  3. Possibility to display the value of a taxonomy terms as the content of the marker popups.
  4. Possibility to display 5 starts rating as the content of the marker popups.
  5. 5 starts rating can be calculate based on the value of a custom field or a taxonomy term. 
  6. Possibility to change the style of the marker popups.
  7. Possibility to display a custom text before and/or after the value of the custom field and/or the taxonomy term.

- New: Improved the Autocomplete feature:

  1. Possibility to disable the autocomplete search "Autocomplete settings => Use Autocomplete for address fields? => No".
  2. Possibility to restrict the autocomplete search to the map bounds "Autocomplete settings => Restrict the search to the bounds? => Yes".
  3. Possibility to restrict the autocomplete search to specific countries "Autocomplete settings => Restrict the search to specific countries? => Yes".

- New: Possibility to change the infobox width & height "Infobox settings => Infobox width/height".

- New: Possibility to find posts/locations on the map based on the user location.

- New: Possibility to click on the ground overlay image in order to open a custom URL/Link "Ground Overlays settings => YOUR OVERLAY => Clickable".

- New: Possibility to display locations with no available coordinates "(Custom) Post Type & Map settings => Display locations with no coordinates?".

- New: The post title will be displayed when hovering over the marker.

- New: Added support for SVG icons for markers and clusters.

- New: Possibility to change and/or specify the size of the marker icons.

- Changed the whole plugin settings page.

- Split the section "Map settings" into 4 different sections. "Map settings", "Marker settings", "clustering settings" and "Geo-targeting settings".

- Split the section "Overlays settings" into 3 different sections. "Ground overlays settings", Polylines settings" and "Polygons settings".

- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to use the search fields "Map settings => Posts to retreive" and "Map settings => Posts not to retreive".
05.07.2018 - version 3.9.2

- Changed bootstrap class names to avoid conflicts with other themes and plugins using the same CSS framework.
23.06.2018 - version 3.9.1

- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to open infoboxes on marker click on touch devices.
19.06.2018 - version 3.9

- Improved the plugin in so many ways. No more slow loading. Infoboxes & carousel items are now loading very fast.
- New: Possibility to regenerate markers for each map. ("All maps => YOUR MAP => Regenerate markers").
- Fixed an issue where the infoboxes are not connected to their markers when reaching a small zoom level (between 0 and 4).
03.06.2018 - version 3.8

- New: Possibility to change the main colors of the plugin from the plugin settings (Progress map => Customize).
- Changed frontend .PNG images to .SVG 
- Removed the fields "Map settings => Zoom-in CSS & Zoom-out CSS". Use the fields "Progress map => Default map settings => Zoom-in CSS & Zoom-out CSS" instead!
- Removed deprecated places in "Nearby points of interest". The following types have been deprecated and are no longer supported by the service Google Places (Establishment, Finance, Food, General contractor, Grocery or supermarket, Health, Place of worship).
23.03.2018 - version 3.7.1

- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to save a post with no coordinates.
11.03.2018 - version 3.7

- New: Possibility to hide and show markers when displaying/hidden the heatmap layer. "Map settings => Heatmap layer => Yes and change markers visibility".
- New: Added an option to hide the featured image in the carousel items. "Carousel items settings => Items image".
- Fixed an issue where clicking on the cluster displays the markers and the list of all location available within it.
08.02.2018 - version 3.6

- New: Possibility to open the single post page inside a modal/popup by clicking on the marker ("Format & Media => Format => Link)
- New: Possibility to open the single post page inside a modal/popup by clicking on the post link ("Infobox settings => Post URL => Open inside a modal/popup" & "Carousel items settings => Post URL => Open inside a modal/popup" & "Default infobox settings => Post URL => Open inside a modal/popup")  
- New: Possibility to open multiple modals, one inside another.
- New: When hovering over the cluster, the map will draw a circle around the clustered area.
- New: Route map. Possibility to display a route map that connects multiple posts with a route.
- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to edit the fields in the widget "Add locations".
- Fixed a JS conflict with other plugins in the administration.
- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to select the main post type.
- Optimized the plugin images
01.02.2018 - version 3.5.1

- Added new hooks to change the infobox size.
- Fixed an issue where polylines are not visible.
26.01.2018 - version 3.5

- New: Possibility to add/upload media files (gallery, video, audio, etc...) of a location and to pop them up when a user clicks on the location's marker on the map.
- New: Possibility to pop-up the location media files on the main map as well as the single maps ("Light Map", "Static Map" & "Nearby Map").
- New: "Image Maps". Possibility to create image maps by adding an image (Ground overlay) to the map. A map can support multiple images (Ground overlays).
- New: The "Smart Map" feature. The map will communicate with the users and help them to navigate through it. It'll show them instructions and infos about what they expect to see/happen by interacting with an item (marker, layer, etc...) on the map.
- New: Customized the widget "Progress Map: Add locations" and improved it with tabs system.
- New: Added a new infobox style that supports only title & content/excerpt.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with PHP 7.2
- Fixed an issue with Marker Clusters.
- Changed the plugin's files structure.
13.12.2017 - version 3.4

- Fixed an issue where saving a map generates the error "Header already sent".
05.10.2017 - version 3.3

- New: Possibility to use the map as a search map by clearing all markers on map load and by 
       displaying them only after sending a search request from an available search tool. "(Custom) post type & Map settings => How would you like to use this map?" 
- New: Possibility to display the Heatmap Layer. "Map settings => Heatmap layer" 
- New: Added Rotating 45° imagery support.
- Fixed an issue where "Outer links" were not working.
- Fixed an error in the admin settings
13.06.2017 - version 3.2.1

- Fixed an issue where "Outer links" were not working.
- Fixed an error in the map settings page
02.06.2017 - version 3.2

- New: Nearby points of interest. Possibility to display all nearby points of interest of each post/location on the map including user location. "Nearby points of ineterest settings".
- New: Possibility to resize the map circle after doing a search request in order to increase or decrease the search distance and get more or less results. "Search form settings => Resize the circle".
- New: Possibility to change the order of the map elements. "Customize => Map horizontal elements display order | Customize => Map vertical elements display order".
- New: Possibility to duplicate a map.
- Added Retina support for user marker icon.
- Changed the name of the menu "Custom CSS" to "Customize".
- Fixed an issue where the distance used to draw a circle wasn't converted to miles when selecting the option "Search form settings => Distance unit => Miles".
- Fixed an issue where the custom CSS in "Progress Map => Troubleshooting & configs => Custom CSS" wasn't added to the plugin style.
- Added missing strings to "WPML" 
- Fixed an issue with marker categories images not been imported when updating from v2 to v3.
- Fixed an issue with the fields "Query settings => Posts to retrieve" and "Query settings => Posts not to retrieve" when updating from v2 to v3. If a field is empty, the plugin renders the ID of the new map as the default value.
22.05.2017 - version 3.1

- New: Added a new field that allows sorting posts using different custom field types. "Query settings => Custom field type".
- Prevent JS conflicts in the administration by removing the plugin files from all admin pages except for this plugin pages.
16.05.2017 - version 3.0

New: Each map will have it's own settings page.
New: Possibility to create unlimited number of maps without adding any attributes to shortcode.
New: Added new feature that allows switching between countries using a dropdown list displayed on the map. Check the menu "Zoom to country settings".
New: Possibility to display the countries names in 121 language.
New: Possibility to display unlimited number of KML Layers in one single map.
New: Possibility to click on Polylines and Polygons and to redirect to a URL and/or to display an infobox with the overlay description.
New: Added a new feature that allows recenetring the map to the initial zoom and center point.
New: Possibility to open the faceted search on map load.
New: Possibility to pre-select options in the faceted search on map load.
New: Possibility to change the order of the taxonomy terms in the faceted search.
New: Possibility to open the search form on map load.
New: Added video tutorials on Youtube.
- Rebuilt the plugin from ground up
- Changed the shortcode name [codespacing_progress_map] to [cspm_main_map]
- Changed the shortcode name [codespacing_light_map] to [cspm_light_map]
- Changed the shortcode name [codespacing_static_map] to [cspm_static_map]
- Changed the shortcode name [cs_static_marker_map] to [cspm_contact_map]
- Changed the shortcode name [progress_map_add_location_form] to [cspm_fronetd_form]

Note: You must watch the following videos before your update to v3:
16.03.2017 - version 2.8.6

- Fixed an issue where the last word in the carousel is removed.
- Added the possibility to remove the link from the infobox on the Light & Static maps using the shortcode attribute "infobox_link_target".
16.12.2016 - version 2.8.5

- New: Added an option to disable changing the center point of the map while resizing the browser. Use the shortcode attribute "window_resize"!
- New: Autofit. Possibility to Autofit or extend the map bounds to contain all markers & clusters & overlays using the shortcode attribute "autofit".
- New: Possiblity to disable the GMaps API from the frontend or from the backend. Available from "Troubleshooting & configs => Google Maps API (JS File)".
- Included the PHP code that limits loading the scripts & styles directly in the plugin's code instead of copying it in the file "functions.php" of the theme.
- Fixed an error in the library "Mobile Detect".
- Updated the library "Mobile Detect".
- Fixed an issue where choosing an infobox type using the shortcode attribute "infobox_type" displays two different infobox types.
- Updated some functions in the code.
16.06.2016 - version 2.8.4

- New: Added possibility to change the default marker used for the shortcode "cs_static_marker_map" by using the attribute "marker_img".
- Updated the librairy "Mobile detect".
- Updated the WPML code.
- Fixed an issue where the slider used in the search form causes an error in the extension "List & Filter".
- Changed a file name. You need to update the plugin from your website plugins page!
10.05.2016 - version 2.8.3

- Added a notice that informs users that the Geolocation feature has been deprecated on non-secure origins such as http. More infos could be found at
20.04.2016 - version

- Removed the admin notice of "Nearby Places WordPress Plugin".
18.04.2016 - version 2.8.2

- New: Added options to disable scripts & stylsheets suspected of creating conflicts with themes.
- Added option to drag the map to the nearest zone containing the markers when filtering locations. Option available in "Faceted search settings / Drag the map".
- Fixed an issue where custom markers uploaded from the Add/Edit post page can not be displayed.

24.03.2016 - version 2.8.1

- Added possibility to change the text "Toggle Carousel" using the filter "cspm_toggle_carousel_text".
- Fixed an issue where the custom marker uploaded in the "Add/Edit post" page were not displayed.
- Fixed an issue that causes conflicts in mobile devices (Only iphone & ipad).
20.03.2016 - version 2.8

- New: Added new shortcode ([cs_static_marker_map]) to display the map of a location based on LatLng coordinates.
- New: Possibility to override the layout type using the shortcode attribute "layout".
- New: Added a new map control (button) that allows the geolocalisation of the user's position on the map.
- New: Added possibility to upload custom marker icon for specific post(s) from the Add/Edit post page.
- New: Added the automcomplete service to the address fields to provide place predictions based on a user's text input.
- New: Possibility to add Google Maps API key from "Map settings / API Key".
- New: Possibility to translate the plugin using .mo and .po files.
- Speed Optimization. Now, the plugin will load only necessary scripts & styles based on the options activated in the plugin settings.
- Redesigned all plugin's elements (Carousel, Search form, Faceted search, UI controls, Infoboxes, ...).
- For better user experience, carousel arrows will always be displayed.
- Deprecated the option "Troubleshooting & configs / Use the map on SSL environment". From now on, the plugin will automatically detect the website's environment.
- Fixed an issue where the infoboxes were not loaded when activating the option "Map settings / Geo targeting" and dragging the map.
- Fixed an issue when clicking on the button "Get Pinpoint" of the frontend form.
- Fixed an issue when the minimum zoom of the map is bigger than the maximum zoom.
- Removed the sensor parameter from the map. The sensor parameter is no longer required for the Google Maps JavaScript API. 
- Changed files structure.
15.10.2015 - version 2.7.5

- Fixed an issue where thé infoboxes disappear because of an update in Google Map API.
- Fixed an issue in the carousel where the map stops to work because of an update in Google Map API.
- Fixed an issue where the carousel doesn't load items when clicking on the left arrow of the carousel.
- Fixed an issue where the map stops working when a user ignores the browsers message when asking to share their location.
20.04.2015 - version

- Fixed an issue where the user marker displays an infobox that shouldn't be visible.
- Fixed an issue where the infobox disappears when clicking on a marker after zooming-in the map by double click.
13.04.2015 - version 2.7.4

- New: Added the Transit Layer to the map. To be activated from "Map settings => Transit Layer".
- New: Possibility to display a marker indicating a user's location when the Geo Targeting is active. To be activated from "Map settings => Show user location?".
- New: Possibility to display a Circle around the user's marker when the Geo Targeting is active. To be activated from "Map settings => Draw a Circle around the user's location".
- New: Possibility to set a different zoom level for the Geo Target option. To be set from "Map settings => Geotarget Zoom".
- New: Possibility to activate/deactivate the Geo Targeting option using the shortcode attribute "geo" (e.g. geo="true"). Other details could be found on the Docs Page.
- New: Possibility to hide the infobox when the mouse leaves a marker. To be activated from "Infobox settings => Remove Infobox on mouseout?" 
- Fixed an issue with the Geo Targeting not working on some browser or breaks the map when a user chooses not to share their location.
- Fixed an issue in the carousel when the auto scroll is active.
- Fixed an issue where the map changes the center point while navigating through or when resizing the browser.
- Fixed an issue where the carousel item's content doesn't execute HTML tags.
- Added the custom markers used in the demo in the images folder 'codespacing-progress-map/img/markers'.
- Minified the JS & CSS files.
26.02.2015 - version 2.7.3

- Fixed an issue with the attribute "center_at" when using it with a post ID.
- Fixed a PHP error in progress-map.php
01.02.2015 - version 2.7.2

- Fixed an issue where the carousel is not working on IE.
- Fixed a PHP error caused when the field "Carousel items settings => Items description" is empty.
- Fixed an issue where the carousel is not working after a search request or when filtering locations.
- Fixed an issue where some scripts remains in pages that doesn't use the Map.
14.12.2014 - version 2.7.1

- Now all light maps, static maps & streetview maps will be hidden when there's no coordinate to show.
- Fixed an issue where two or more carousels in the same page were not fully loaded.
- Fixed a fatal error with the Mobile_Detect class.
- Fixed an issue in the Javascript code.
06.12.2014 - version 2.7

- NEW Feature: KML Layers. This feature will allow you to display your KML layers on the map. Available from the menu "KML Layers Settings". 
- NEW Feature: Polylines & Polygons. Possibility to draw unlimited number of Polylines & Polygons on the map. Available from the menu "Overlays Settings".
- NEW Feature: StreetView Map. Possibility to display the StreetView map of a location using the new shortcode [cspm_streetview_map].
- NEW Feature: Autofit. Possibility to Autofit or extend the map bounds to contain all markers & clusters & overlays. Available from "Map Settings => Autofit".
- NEW Feature: Possibility to display the current traffic layer. Available from "Map Settings => Traffic Layer".
- NEW: Added a new infobox type called "Large Infobox". Available from "Infobox Settings => Large Infobox".
- Changed the text field in "Query settings => Main content type" to a select field to make it easy to select a post type.
- Changed the text field in "Query settings => Secondary content types" to a select list to make it easy to select the secondary post types.
- Changed the function query_posts to get_posts to prevent conflicts with Parallax Themes.
- Fixed an issue where the carousel stops to work when choosing to autoscroll the carousel from "Carousel settings => Auto".
- Fixed an issue where the carousel wasn't hidden on all mobiles when selecting the option "Responsive layout" in "Layout settings => Layout type".
- Fixed a Javascript bug related to the existence of some functions like the function map.panTo() and some other functions.
- Fixed some issues in the frontend form.
- Fixed an issue where the link of the button "More" can not be opened in a new tab when selecting the option "Open in a new window" in "Carousel items settings => Post URL".
21.07.2014 - version 2.6.6

- Fixed an issue where the cluster images are cut when selecting the option "Enable" in "Map settings => Retina Support".
21.07.2014 - version 2.6.5

* New: Possibility to enable/disable the map zoom on double click by selecting and option in "Map settings => Zoom on Double click" 
- Fixed an issue where the carousel can't show the marker position when "Carousel settings => Wrap" id set to "Null".
- Fixed an issue where users had to click several times on a cluster to display the  markers.
11.07.2014 - version 2.6.4

* New: Possibility to disable links in the infoboxes by selecting the option "Disable" under "Infobox settings => Post URL".
- Fixed an issue where clicking the button "Search" in the frontend form adds duplicated markers.
- Fixed an issue with clusters and the max zoom of the map.
- Fixed an issue with the "infobox 1" thumbnail. (Must regenerate thumbnails to execute the fixes).
- Fixed an issue where the infoboxes aren't showing after selecting the options "On marker click" and "On marker hover".
- Fixed an issue where the spinner is not hiding when Geotargeting option is active.
03.07.2014 - version 2.6.3

* New: Added a new shortcode to add locations from the frontend using a frontend form.
* New: Possiblity to prevent the map from being dragged by selecting the option "No" under "Map settings => Draggable".
* New: Possibility to select the maximum/minimum zoom of the map under "Map settings => Max. zoom/Min. zoom".
* New: Possiblity to override the faceted search terms of the default taxonomy using the shortcode attribute "faceted_search_tax_terms".
* BETA: Added WPML compatibily. This option can be activated under "Troubleshooting & Configs => Use the plugin with WPML".
* New: Possibility to display a custom column in the posts/custom posts list indicating the posts coordinates. This option can be activated under "Troubleshooting & Configs => Display the coordinates column".
* Fixed an issue where the infoboxes were not hidden in the light map after selecting "No" in "Infobox settings => Show infobox".
* Fixed an issue where the multiple markers in the same location aren't showing when selecting "Terrain" in "Map settings => Initial style".
20.05.2014 - version 2.6.2

* New: Possibility to select the initial style of the map from the shortcode using the attribute "initial_map_style".
- Fixed an issue where the map can't move to the center point after resizing the screen.
06.05.2014 - version 2.6.1

* New: Possibility to display locations by term slug using the new shortcode attribute "tax_query_field" 
* New: Possibility to add a name to the maps custom style.
* New: Possibility to change/set the marker anchor point.
* New: Possibility to center the map automaticaly on the first marker using the new shortcode ("center_at") attribute option "auto".
* New: Possibility to control the movement of the carousel on marker/infobox hover/click.
* New: Possibility to include or exclude the plugin's scripts & style from posts, pages and/or page templates.
* New: Possibility to add any extra CSS code added to change the style of the plugin.
* New: Added the scroll to the infoboxes.
- Fixed a bug where the plugin is not capable of saving settings when there is too much users registered in a website. 
- Fixed a bug where the Cluster disappears if you click the first item in the carousel twice.
- Fixed an issue where the map tiles are not fully loaded if the map is used inside a Tab or an Accordion.
02.04.2014 - version 2.6.0

* New feature: Possibility to display the post terms in the carousel items description.
- Fixed an error where the faceted search wasn't working when selecting the layout
  "Fit in the box (Map only)" or "Full screen Map (Map only)".
27.03.2014 - version 2.6

- Fixed an issue where the plugin was not capable of regenerating a big amount
  of markers.
- Fixed an error where the clustering method return an error when it's set to "No".
- Fixed an issue with UTF-8 encoding and foreign characters.
- Fixed an issue where the marker animation is repeated multiple times.
- Fixed an issue in the administration that causes an endless loading.
17.03.2014 - version 2.5

* New feature: Possibility to overide the Faceted search settings from the shortcode 
* New feature: Possibility to configure the map to work on an SSL environement (HTTPS).
* New feature: Possibility to load the plugin's JS & CSS files only on the pages and/or 
               posts that uses the map.
* New feature: Possibility to combine all the plugin's JS & CSS files into one file.
* New feature: Possibility to use the markers and the carousel items as a link to 
               other pages in outer websites.
* New feature: Possibility to connect the plugin with your already built custom 
               fields (Latitude & longitude fields).

* Enhanced the map with 5 new marker infoboxes.
* Enhanced the loading speed of the map to handle a large amount of markers.
* Enhanced the search form with a slider to easly select a radius of search.
* Enhanced the map to fit the selected radius of search.
* Enhanced the map styles with 15 cool styles.
* Enhanced the marker animations with 2 new animations.
* Added the possibility to make the title in the carousel items as a link to the 
  post page.

- Fixed an error where the reset button in the search form wasn't working.
- Fixed an error where the post count wasn't displaying the correct number after a 
  filter search.
- Fixed an issue of double markers.
- Fixed some CSS conflict.
21.01.2014 - version 2.4.2

- Replaced the SVG icon of the search form button by a PNG icon.
- Added possibility to upload a custom icon for the search form button.
- Added possibility to change the background color of the search form.
19.01.2014 - version 2.4.1

- Fixed and error where filtering posts return an error when the autoscroll mode of
  the carousel is activated
16.01.2014 - version 2.4.0

- Fixed and error where the map is not displayed when a secondary location is added
  to a post.
11.01.2014 - version 2.4

* New feature: A powerfull search form with possibility to select a distance of search
               & an option to draw a circle around the search area. 
* New feature: Possiblity to add unlimited distances, select a distance unit 
               (Km & Miles), enable/disable the circle option & customize the 
               circle style.
* New feature: Possibility to hide/show the search form from the shortcode attributes.
* New feature: Possibility to change the map style. Includes 56 wonderfull style that
               will give your map an amazing view.
* New feature: Possibility to add a unique style by providing the Javascript style 
* New feature: Possibility to choose the initial style of the map. (Map, Satellite, 
               Terrain, Hybrid & Custom style)
* New feature: Possibility to choose a custom style from the shortcode attributes.
* New feature: Geo targetting. Possibility to geolocate the website visitor.
* New feature: Add support of retina display for map markers & clusters.
* New feature: 2 new layout. ("Map, toggle carousel from top", "Map, toggle carousel
               from bottom") to toggle the carousel from the top & the bottom.
* New feature: A new layout type to disable & hide the carousel on mobile browsers.
* New feature: Increase the loading speed of the map to handle a large amount of 
               markers with ease.
               (A map with 528 markers takes about 5 seconds to load everything 
               on OS X & Windows 7) 
* New feature: Added a loading bar & spinner indicating the loading process of the map.    
- Updated the whole functions name to prevent confliction with other plugins.
- Increase the loading speed of the plugin administration page.
- Fixed an issue where the plugin administration page is to heavy when loading a 
  large number of categories & tags.
- Fixed an issue where HTML tags are not executed correctly in the carousel items
06.12.2013 - version 2.3.0

- Fixed an error where the "More" text in the carousel item can't be modified.
- Changed the context value of the "Add locations" to "Advanced" and added an
  explanation on how to use the form.
27.11.2013 - version 2.3

* New feature: 3 new layouts type. Map with carousel on top, Fit in the box with
               carousel on top & Full screen Map with carousel on top.
25.11.2013 - version 2.2.0

- Display the title of the post when hovering over the "More" link in the bubble
- Show an error message when the center point of the map is not entered correctly.
- Fixed an error where the map show a wrong location when hovering over a marker.
- Fixed an error where a undefined property is not tested when no options are saved.
- Fixed an error where the map is not showing when an item description is not escaped.
22.11.2013 - version 2.2

* New feature: Add support for multiple locations per post.
19.11.2013 - version 2.1.0

- Fixed an issue where the faceted search stops calling the items in the carousel.
- Fixed a CSS conflict.
18.11.2013 - version 2.1

* New feature: Add support for multiple instances of the map, with different posts
               and settings for each instance.
* New feature: Possibility to show/hide the carousel and faceted search in each
               instance of the map.
* New feature: Possibility to overide the default query settings for each instance
               of the map.
* New feature: Add support for multiple marker categories in the map.
* New feature: Possibility to add custom marker for each category in the map.
* New feature: Possibility to filter locations by catgories, tags or custom taxonomies.
* New feature: Possibility to filter locations by selecting one taxonomy or multiple
* New feature: 6 skins where each skin comes with 10 set of colors to customize the 
               faceted search form.
* New feature: Show the number of your locations on top of the map with possibility 
               to change the default clause text & style.
* New feature: Possibility to set a new zoom level to the map when the an item is 
               fired in the carousel.
- Fixed an issue where the plugin return error when the carousel item size in not 
  defined in the plugin's settings.
- Remove support for the serialized array passed in the @post_ids parameter in the
  [codespacing_progress_map] shortcode. 
  Replace serialize(POST_IDS_ARRAY) function by implode(',', POST_IDS_ARRAY).
02.11.2013 - version 2.0

- New feature: Increase the speed of the Map loading. (The execution time of 18 posts
               decreased from 20 second to 5 seconds)
- New feature: Possibility to choose posts by categories, tags, custom fields, status
               and more...
- New feature: 2 new layout type. "Full Screen Map" & "Fit in the box".
- New feature: 2 new shortcodes allowing to add a "light" map & a "static" map in 
               order to show a single post. (useful for the single post page).    
- New feature: Move the carousel using Touch Swipe.
- New feature: Move the carousel using the scroll wheel.
- New feature: Possibility to change the position of the marker overlay & customize 
               the overlay's link (style, text & external link).    
- New feature: Possibility to enable/disable the clustering option & control the 
               cluster size.
- New feature: Possibility to choose the default marker offered by Google map.
- New feature: Possibility to change the background color of the carousel arrows.
26.10.2013 - version 1.4

- Fixed an issue where in some websites, the map jumps over the page content.
- Fixed an issue where the map is not showing when an item description contain an 
  empty line.
15.10.2013 - version 1.3

- Fixed a CSS conflict where the background in some websites become white.
13.10.2013 - version 1.2

- Fixed an issue where the plugin causes an error when updating the post status.
- Fixed an issue where the plugin uses a deprecated function (escape).
09.10.2013 - version 1.1

- Fixed an issue where the 'Location' form return a bad location when searching 
  for an address.

Full Live Demo

Mercifully Note: We refresh new substance like WordPress Themes,
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ought to never utilize this things in a business site.
Every one of the substance posted here for advancement
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any harm, use at your own particular RISK! We highly recommend to buy Progress Map WordPress Plugin from the The Developer ( codespacing ) website. Thank you.

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