Nulled MCQ – Career Skills Assessment Platform free download

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MCQ – Career Skills Assessment Platform-[Clean-Nulled].zip


Discover a powerful and intuitive platform designed to streamline your hiring process and ensure you find the right talent for your company.

Our Career Skills Assessment Platform offers a robust solution for evaluating the skills of potential employees, making it an essential tool for HR departments and recruitment agencies.

Key Features

MCQ - Career Skills Assessment Platform - 1

Main Features

MCQ - Career Skills Assessment Platform - 2




  • .Net SDK :

    .NET SDK 7.0 or higher

  • Database Server:

    SQL Server 2019 or higher

  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

    Visual Studio 2022 or equivalent (e.g., Visual Studio Code).

  • Libraries and Frameworks:

    – Entity Framework Core 7
    – Identity Framework
    – Office OpenXML
    – AspNetCore.Authentication. Cookies
    – ASP.NET Core MVC
    – Razor Pages

  • Dependencies:

    – Newtonsoft.Json
    – AutoMapper
    – DataTables.AspNet.AspNetCore (Version 2.0.2)
    – EPPlus (Version 7.0.5)
    – Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore (Version 7.0.12)
    – Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI (Version 7.0.12)
    – Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite (Version 7.0.12)
    – Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer (Version 7.0.12)
    – Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools (Version 7.0.12)
    – Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design (Version 7.0.11)


The Documentation File includes installation instructions for all operating systems.

Full Live Demo

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Free Download


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