Nulled Easy Forms: Advanced Form Builder and Manager free download

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Easy Forms: Advanced Form Builder and Manager

Easy Forms is a full featured form manager application that features a drag and drop php form builder, advanced notification, lead capture, conditional logic fields, multi-page forms, math calculations, form analytics, submission manager, themes, templates and much more!

Indeed yes! You can start design and develop web forms quickly and easily without any programming skills in just minutes!

Easy Forms: Advanced Form Builder and Manager - 1

Easy Forms: Advanced Form Builder and Manager - 2

Easy Forms: Advanced Form Builder and Manager - 3

Easy Forms: Advanced Form Builder and Manager - 4

See Our Form In Action

Easy Forms: Advanced Form Builder and Manager - 5


  • Form Builder
    • Build any type of online forms: Contact forms, Order forms, Registration forms, Online surveys, Trivias and more.
    • Drag-and-drop your form elements to rearrange them. No coding skills required.
    • Touch-friendly Drag and Drop
    • W3C-valid HTML5 Fields
    • Built-in support for users on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.
    • Create Multi-Step Forms
    • Add friendly hints and placeholders, making your forms easier and friendlier to fill out.
    • Set a default value for certain fields. They’ll be submitted if the visitor doesn’t change them.
    • Allow users to upload files
    • Accept any file type
    • Optionally limit the size or type of file you want
    • Add advanced field validation
    • Write your very own field validation rules using regular expressions
    • Embed images, videos and maps
    • Include Google reCAPTCHA in your forms
    • Multiple reCAPTCHA theme options.
    • Smart reCAPTCHA. Save the correct answer of a user. So, he don’t have to fill it again.
    • Bootstrap CSS Support
    • Set the positioning of your field labels across your form.
    • Checkboxes and Radio Buttons can have images or icons
    • Custom Checkbox and Custom Radio Button by using CSS styles
    • Remove javascript code in the HTML generated by the Form Builder
    • Set an Alias to each Form Field to identify it or export it with a customized parameter
  • Form Manager
    • Duplicate Forms (Including Form Fields, Form Settings, Notifications, Conditional Rules, Theme)
    • Use a unique URL to easily share/link a full-page form.
    • Share frienly links to your forms
    • Easily embed your form in your website, blog, shop —wherever you want it! No extra programming needed – just copy our code.
    • Multiple embedding options and formats.
    • Add a custom confirmation message or redirect to another website
    • Add Field Variables in the URL to be redirected and confirmation messages
    • Load external javascript file
    • Anti – Spam Protection (HoneyPot Technique)
    • Limit Submission per Time Period
    • Limit Submission by IP
    • Auto-deactivation by dates
    • Implement Save form & resume later
    • Forms with Password Protection
    • Assign your forms to different users
    • Embed your Forms only on authorized websites
    • Embed your Form in a PopUp or Modal Window
    • Compress the Forms’ Uploaded Images automatically
  • PopUp Form Designer
    • Place the form inside a popup without write a single line of code
    • When it opens, focus will be restricted to elements inside the popup
    • Use our popup form to convert website visitors to subscribers
    • Choose between multiple colors, backgrounds, sizes, animations and effects
    • Configure the PopUp margin, padding, width, border with and border radius
    • Set the animation effect and animation duration
    • Change the Button text and button color
    • Place the Button position Inline or at the border of the Browser Window
    • See a preview and get the generated code with one click
  • Themes & Templates
    • Customize your forms’ branding.
    • Theme & Template Managers
    • Advanced CSS Editor with Form Live Preview
    • Easy integration with the forms
    • Template Promotion and Categories
    • Comes with +10 pro-level themes
    • Templates for event registration, contact forms, customer surveys, trivias, RSVPs, and more.
    • Administrators can assign Themes and Templates to another users
  • Notifications
    • Send Instant Notifications
    • Be notified by email every time a form is submitted.
    • Send confirmation messages (Email Auto-Responder)
    • Send your customer a fully customizable email upon form submission. You can include data they entered in the message, too.
    • Select multiple email fields in order to send email confirmations
    • Set up multiple recipients
    • HTML / Plain Text Email
    • Wysiwyg Editor to edit email messages
    • Upload images and add tables to your email messages
    • File Attachment if your form has file upload fields
    • Supply a custom “From” address for auto-response messages
    • Use PHP mail() function
    • Support for PHP SMTP Authentication. (Use your own SMTP mail server)
    • Redirect your visitor to a specific URL after form submission.
    • Send your submissions to another application or script
    • Show your visitors or customer a custom message after submission.
    • Hide empty fields in email notifications and confirmations
  • Rule Builder
    • Create the conditional logic easily, no coding knowledge required.
    • Intuitive interface
    • Multiple rules, conditions and actions
    • Duplicate complex conditional rules in one click
    • Reordering Conditional Logic using a Drag & Drop interface
    • Show / Hide Fields
    • Enable / Disable Fields
    • Copy values from one field to another
    • Copy HTML content from one HTML element to another
    • Perform math operations
    • Format numbers to look like currency, percentages, times… easily
    • Skip steps of multi step forms
    • Enable / Disable Opposite actions
    • Conditional Validation: Required validation only if the Field is visible
  • Submission Manager
    • Advanced Submission Grid
    • Alert new submissions
    • View submission details
    • Show / Hide Empty Fields in submission details
    • Bulk Actions: Mark as Read / Unread
    • Comment System (Leave a comment about the form submission)
    • View sender information (Google Map included, requires api key)
    • Edit and Delete each submission
    • Export submissions as MS Excel or CSV
    • Filter Form Submissions by Date Range
    • Set a Date Range to export more granular entries
    • Print form submissions (PDF compatible)
    • File Management
  • Report Builder
    • Build reports on form submission
    • Use Row, Bar, Donut and Pie charts
    • Move & Resize any chart
    • Interact with your charts with one click
  • Form Analytics
    • Get an instant overview of form stats, including conversion rates.
    • See how many people looked at your form.
    • Know how many visits are made before your users send the form
    • Improve the form and increase conversion rate
    • Form Performance report
    • Submissions Analytics report
    • Track how many people started filling out your form.
    • See the number of submissions for every form, in one single view!
    • Disable form tracking on the fly
  • User Management
    • User Registration: Your users can register and create their own forms
    • Login without password: Your users can test the application only with their email. After, they can create their own username and password
    • Limit access to user login page to specific IP addresses
    • Use captcha in your registration forms
    • Set the default user role when a new user is registered
    • User Roles: Admin, Advaced User and Basic User
    • The “Advanced User” is able to create and manage his own forms and themes
    • The “Admin” can grant access of each Form to each “Basic User”
    • All users can be suspended
    • Profiles
    • Login by email or username
    • Email confirmation
    • Password recovery
  • Add-ons
    • Google Analytics: Track your visitors in Google Analytics
    • WebHooks: Send submissions to another server with customized parameters
  • Multi Language
    • English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Chinese, Thai, Turkish, Indonesian and Dutch languages
    • You can translate all the application to other languages easily
    • You can set up each form to use a different language
    • The user has the ability to change and select default language for his user account
  • Other
    • Responsive Design
    • Based on Bootstrap 3 and Yii 2
    • Glyphicons PRO 1.9.2


  • Server Linux/Unix (Recommended), Windows or Mac OS X
  • Web Server Apache (Recommended), Microsoft IIS or any similar web server
  • PHP Version PHP v5.4 or above
  • Database MySQL v5 or higher suggested


Username: admin
Password: admin

Username: user
Password: user

Documentation & Help Center

Video Tutorials

How To Create a Contact Form with Easy Forms

How to Show or Hide a field based on another field’s answer?

Easy Forms: Advanced Form Builder and Manager - 6


12.02.2018 - ver 1.6.8
    - Added: Form Name based on Form Title
    - Added: Field "Alias" in Conditional Rules
    - Added: Demo file with jQuery Mask Plugin
    - Added: Display "Alias" to labelless fields
    - Improved: Add-On Manager to uninstall add-ons with multiple migration
    - Improved: WebHooks Add-On: Adds 'application/json' header when POST data is in json format.
    - Fixed: RuleEngine compatibility with PHP 7.2
    - Fixed: Error validation messages (i18n)
    - Fixed: WebHook without "Save to DB" option
    - Fixed: Display Email Field without a Label in Confirmation Settings
    - Fixed: Form Manager. Dropdown menu broken on small screens
11.11.2018 - ver 1.6.7
    - Added: Administrators can assign a form to a different user
    - Added: Custom checkbox and radio button
    - Added: Form Submissions: Mark as read / unread
    - Added: Demo js file to change a File field label when a file is selected
    - Updated: Vendors and composer.json file
    - Fixed: Validation error messages with foreign languages
    - Fixed: Number of forms on dashboard (for non-admin users)
    - Fixed: Https issue with cloudflare when it's needed
    - Fixed: Form Builder: Select List. Options with wrong format
    - Fixed: Form Builder: "Warning! preg_replace(): Unknown modifier 'P'" 
    - Fixed: Dashboard queries with PHP 7.2
    - Fixed: FormDOM helper detects javascript tags
    - Fixed: Export Form Submissions. Excludes null data
    - Fixed: Installation process. Check if popen() function exists
05.09.2018 - ver 1.6.6
    - Added: Dutch translation
    - Added: Format number in other languages script
    - Added: jQuery UI DatePicker demo in Dutch language
    - Added: Form Builder: 'Alias' option to form fields
    - Added: Tool to update Form Builder fields
    - Added: WebHook Add-On v1.1: Set same WebHook to multiple forms
    - Added: Send WebHook notifications using 'Alias' instead of field name
    - Updated: Rule Builder with better interactions
    - Fixed: i18n of error message when trying to change the username
    - Fixed: DateRange widget with translations
    - Fixed: Avatar field
    - Fixed: Link to register page (in small screens)
    - Fixed: reCaptcha component (Compact size)
    - Fixed: Display reCaptcha in small frame.
    - Fixed: Drag last component in Form Builder
    - Fixed: Conditional validation when a checkbox is checked
    - Fixed: Displays progress bar when form has multiple file fields
    - Fixed: Small Issue displaying Form Stats.
    - Fixed: Unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS) with PHP 5.4
    - Fixed: Prevent load of "en-us" locale file for moment.js
13.06.2018 - ver 1.6.5
    - Fixed: Pop-Up Form Designer's translations.
    - Fixed: DateRangePicker translations in the Submission Manager.
08.06.2018 - ver 1.6.4
    - Added: Copy Multiple Fields by using Conditional Rules
    - Added: Sender Information on the exported CSV / Excel file
    - Added: Intl-Tel-Input.js with User's Country Lookup (
    - Added: Auto Submit when a Radio Button is selected
    - Added: Multiple emails (separated by commas) on Notification Settings
    - Updated: CSRF validation on forms by default
    - Updated: English as default language when a new user registers
    - Updated: Vendors and composer.json file
    - Fixed: Date format when form language is Arabic
    - Fixed: Select List field on Form Builder
    - Fixed: English to French translation
    - Fixed: Duplicate records when calculating daily statistics
    - Fixed: Date filter ('Today') when exporting form submissions
    - Fixed: Edit Form Submission when form has a token. Eg. {{{STRIPE}}
    - Fixed: Setup. Catch Guzzle Exception to detect non-friendly urls.
    - Fixed: Implements DateRangePicker's i18n in the Submission Manager.
05.12.2017 - ver 1.6.3
    - Added: Referrer Information to Email Notifications, WebHooks and more.
03.12.2017 - ver 1.6.2
    - Fixed: Migration files
02.12.2017 - ver 1.6.1
    - Fixed: Logout link (New AccessControl logic)
29.11.2017 - ver 1.6
    - Added: Export Form Submissions as MS Excel
    - Added: Filter Form Submissions by Date Range
    - Improved: Vendors (PHP v7.2 compatibility)
    - Improved: jQuery UI Datepicker compatibility with conditional rules
    - Fixed: Form Widget compatibility with IE11
    - Fixed: Translate some missing strings
    - Fixed: RTL format in Forms.
    - Fixed: RTL format in alerts and breadcrumbs
08.10.2017 - ver 1.5.5
    - Fixed: Form Builder (Radio Button, Checkbox, Select List)
01.10.2017 - ver 1.5.4
    - Added: Translation into Portuguese language
    - Changed: New .htaccess file for a better compatibility with shared hostings
24.09.2017 - ver 1.5.3
    - Fixed: Step redirection. Modules: Setup, Update and Addons
23.09.2017 - ver 1.5.2
    - Fixed: Guzzle 5.3.1 and PHP 7.1 compatibility. @app/vendor
    - Fixed: WYSIWYG Editor and Field variables. @app/helpers/Html.php
    - Fixed: PopUp Form: ScrollToTop after Submit. @app/static_files/js/form.widget.js
    - Fixed: Domain communication on mobile devices. @app/static_files/js/form.widget.js
13.09.2017 - ver 1.5.1
    - Fixed: WYSIWYG Editor. File Updated: @app/helpers/Html.php
01.09.2017 - ver 1.5
    - Added: PopUp Form Designer
    - Added: Export CSV file with Date Range
    - Added: New Wysiwyg editor: summernote (Tables, videos and more)
    - Added: Store images in email notifications and confirmations
    - Added: Purchase Code activation in the install script
    - Added: Option to enable the async email notifications in the params.php file
    - Added: Javascript file to show how to use bootstrap-slider.js
    - Improved: Add tables and images in email messages
    - Improved: IP address client detection
    - Improved: Performance page displays command to run the cron
    - Improved: SMTP settings. Password field must be re-entered before updating
    - Improved: Install script alerts if there isn't internet connection
    - Improved: If @app/easy_forms.sql exists, install script alerts to remove it
    - Improved: Install DB by using the @app/easy_forms.sql file first
    - Improved: Change cron job command to run web cron by default
    - Improved: Install script alerts if the PHP CLI version is invalid
    - Improved: Use 'php' instead 'stmp' by default configuration to send emails
    - Fixed: UTF-8 compatibility in Form Submissions on Polish language
    - Fixed: Translate some missing strings
    - Fixed: Click on the 'Search' button on the User Manager
    - Fixed: Email notification without Reply-To
    - Removed: Button to run the cron via UI
    - Removed: Indonesian language
    - Removed: Trumbowyg editor
    - Removed: OLD and Unused js files
20.06.2017 - ver 1.4.2
    - Added: Embed a Pop-Up Form
    - Added: Compress Forms' uploaded images
    - Added: New language: Turkish
    - Improved: Vendors updated
    - Improved: Apache configuration to prevent X-Frame-Options issue
    - Improved: Rule Engine: Copy HTML content from one HTML element to another
    - Improved: Reduces the time to resize the form when the window is resized
    - Fixed: Form Builder access restriction
    - Fixed: URL validation in Confirmation Settings
01.04.2017 - ver 1.4.1
    - Added: Restrict access to Login page by IP addresses
    - Added: Administrators can assign Themes and Templates to another users
    - Added: Field Variables in the URL to be redirected
    - Added: Remove javascript code in the HTML generated by the Form Builder
    - Improved: Hide empty fields in email notifications and confirmations
    - Improved: Access to Forms and Themes by advanced users
    - Fixed: Conditional validation with double css class
    - Fixed: Email notifications in text plain
    - Fixed: Email notifications without no-reply email address
    - Fixed: Translate Password Protected Form label
    - Fixed: Form Validation with two select lists
    - Fixed: Form Builder access by an Advanced User
    - Fixed: Multi Step forms with pages without any field
    - Fixed: Html tags in a Hidden Field (Form Builder)
    - Fixed: Form Widget (postMessage) in some versions of IE
28.01.2017 - ver 1.4
    - Added: Duplicate Forms
    - Added: Duplicate Conditional Rules
    - Added: Show / Hide empty fields on Submission Details
    - Improved: reCaptcha validation message
    - Improved: Detect when a field is visible using a Container CSS class to validate it
    - Fixed: Limit the number of words on Hide/Show columns (Submission Details)
    - Fixed: Refresh comments in Submission Details
    - Fixed: Double quotes on Hidden Fields (Form Builder)
    - Fixed: Update referrer when the form is displayed in the same domain
16.11.2016 - ver 1.3.9
    - Added: Javascript file to load jQuery DatePicker, ComboDate and Int-Tel-Input
    - Added: Comment System to the Submission Manager
    - Improved: Conditional rules are updated when the Form is updated by using the Form Builder.
    - Improved: Submission Manager can search for non-Latin characters (Korean, Chinese and others).
    - Improved: Changes the algorithm to skip between the pages on a multi-step form by using conditional rules
    - Improved: Shows a confirmation message when pressing the Delete button in the Form Builder
    - Fixed: An array is turned to string before validating it on the server.
    - Fixed: Submission Manager Design
    - Fixed: Validates a required field on the current page to skip to another by using conditional rules
19.09.2016 - ver 1.3.8
    - Added: PHP Rule Engine
    - Added: Conditional Validation when a field is hidden
    - Improved: Export CSV file now includes uploaded files
    - Improved: Conditional Rules in a Multi-Step Form
    - Fixed: Remove unused tokens in custom messages
    - Fixed: CSS no-padding-left and no-padding-right
    - Fixed: File names uploaded with mobile devices
    - Fixed: Step 5 of Installer
    - Fixed: Single quotes into titles (Form Builder)
    - Fixed: Form Builder save labels with Chinese characters
    - Fixed: Delete Submission with a Basic User account
    - Fixed: Edit Submission with a single quote in a select list
16.08.2016 - ver 1.3.7
    - Added: Demo folder with javascript widgets
    - Added: MetaTag Generator
    - Added: SlugHelper
    - Added: Rule Builder. Use Drag and Drop to change the rule position.
    - Improved: Installer detects PHP CLI version
    - Improved: Vendors updated
    - Improved: Form Embed now support autoadvance feature
    - Improved: Custom SluggableBehavior
    - Improved: Mail Queue
    - Improved: Rule Builder Notification
    - Improved: Submission Manager displays alert when a file is uploading
    - Fixed: Empty Snippet
    - Fixed: reCaptcha Field Position
    - Fixed: Star Rating demo
    - Fixed: Report Builder in PHP 7
    - Fixed: Form Builder (array_key_exists)
    - Fixed: Cron status code (200)
    - Fixed: Submission Copy in Email Confirmation
07.07.2016 - ver 1.3.6
    - Added: File Management in the Submission Manager
    - Added: Restrict Websites where you can embed forms
    - Added: Opposite actions on Rule Builder
    - Added: WebHooks demo files
    - Added: Javascript demo files
    - Added: primaryKey() method on Models
    - Improved: Form Builder D&D on touch screen
    - Improved: Select multiple email fields in order to send email confirmations
    - Improved: Customize sender name on email confirmation
    - Improved: WebHooks data
    - Improved: Cron via web
    - Improved: Required checkbox validation
    - Fixed: First column CSV export
    - Fixed: Submission Manager access
    - Fixed: Labels on Email notifications
    - Fixed: PHP tag on Form Builder
    - Fixed: MySQL commands with table prefix
    - Fixed: "options is not defined" on disabled forms
28.05.2016 - ver 1.3.5
    - Added: Attach files to confirmation emails
    - Added: Customize email subject with form submission data
    - Added: Wysiwyg Editor to edit email text
    - Added: Translation into Italian and Thai languages
    - Added: Delete button to delete a field in the Form Builder
    - Added: Google Place demo in a field
    - Added: Combo Date demo
    - Added: Start Rating demo
    - Added: Implements RTL or LTR direction depending on the selected language
    - Added: Export Form Submissions as CSV file via command line
    - Improved: Conditional Rules can analyze multiple values separated by "|" 
    - Improved: Expands number of allowed tags in the email message body
    - Improved: Advanced users can use templates created by admin
    - Improved: Advanced users can manage their own templates
    - Improved: Form Widget allows to add pixels to calculate the page OffsetTop
    - Improved: Cron in Windows Environment
    - Improved: Data structure for storing Form Submissions
    - Improved: Rules Engine detects when a user presses "X" in IE
    - Fixed: Console Component in Windows Server
    - Fixed: Edit Form Submissions with unique fields
    - Fixed: Form Tracker when friendly urls have been disabled
    - Fixed: Date Field translation in the Form Builder
    - Fixed: Click event in the Form Builder fields
    - Fixed: Advanced users can save conditional rules
    - Fixed: MySQL query in Dashboard
    - Fixed: Previous step in a form without titles
    - Fixed: "Select List" is opened twice with when the Form has conditional rules
20.04.2016 - ver 1.3.4
    - Added: Delete Stats
    - Added: Enable / Disable jQuery elements with conditional rules
    - Added: New language: French
    - Added: Implements Relation Trait behavior to handle master-detail relationships
    - Added: FormEvent notifies the system when a form has been updated
    - Added: Validation SMTP when configuring Mail Server
    - Removed: Remove file validation in the Submission Manager
    - Improved: Load Google Maps JS file without protocol (schema)
    - Improved: Check if the environment is Windows before running console commands
    - Improved: Compatible validation patterns between client and server
    - Improved: Modifies DateTime-Local field validation
    - Improved: More than 20 conditional rules per page
    - Improved: Reduces required width to display a form with horizontal layout
    - Improved: DatePicker demo with Months and Years selector
    - Improved: Allows configuring Mail Server with an API's access
    - Improved: Scroll after performing an action on a form
    - Improved: Reduces Form padding when displaying on smartphones
    - Improved: Thank You message with variables
    - Improved: Submission Manager doesn't show disabled field columns.
    - Improved: Form Embed can detect when the answer came from an add-on
    - Fixed: Press Enter key in a MultiStep Form
    - Fixed: Field validation without label
    - Fixed: Disabled fields aren't required by the server.
    - Fixed: Form auto resizing protected by password.
    - Fixed: Form embed code without box
    - Fixed: Previous button in MultiStep Form
    - Fixed: User registration validation with Captcha
    - Fixed: Upload any kind of file (No validation)
    - Fixed: Submission Manager: Access to upload files.
    - Fixed: BulkActions in other language: Javascript alert with double quotes.
    - Fixed: Check that the Select List options have text.
    - Fixed: MultiStep Form creation with IE
    - Fixed: Load Form Submission when accessed directly from an external link.
    - Fixed: Displays notification message with several values per field
06.03.2016 - ver 1.3.3
    - Added: Environment definition in console
    - Added: Buttons' Support in conditional rules
    - Added: New languages: German, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese
    - Added: CRON tool via web
    - Added: Repeat Password before to change it
    - Added: New oOperators to Hidden field in Rule Builder
    - Removed: DB file alert message
    - Improved: Responsive design with better resizing
    - Improved: Cron message when installation process finished
    - Improved: Confirmation / Notification messages with variables
    - Improved: Form Submission Notification as plain text
    - Fixed: Submission Manager is empty on Windows Server
    - Fixed: Geo location. IP is not in the database
    - Fixed: IE9 and IE10 form resizing
    - Fixed: Edit Form Submission as Basic User
    - Fixed: Unserialize() error on notifications
    - Fixed: Submission Manager with hidden columns
    - Fixed: Label of Hidden fields in Rule Builder
05.02.2016 - ver 1.3.2
    - Added: Save a form as template
    - Added: Select a different PHP version to run Cron Jobs
    - Improved: Modules installer: Setup, Update and Addons
    - Improved: Console component
    - Improved: Download files from the Submission Manager
    - Improved: Display multiple forms in the same page
    - Improved: Form Builder detects when a field is deleted and shows an alert
    - Improved: Filters (OFF state)
    - Fixed: Export CSV File
    - Fixed: Multi-Step Form with Progress Bar without titles
30.01.2016 - ver 1.3.1
    - Added: Console component
    - Deprecated: ConsoleHelper
    - Improved: Setup / Update modules
    - Improved: Cron
    - Improved: Tel field validation message
    - Fixed: Dashboard for advanced users
    - Fixed: Performance tool
    - Fixed: Required fields without labels
    - Fixed: Actions buttons for advanced users
    - Fixed: Google Analytics add-on event handler
28.01.2016 - ver 1.3
    - Added: User registration page
    - Added: Login page without password
    - Added: Enable / Disable user registration from Site Settings
    - Added: Add captcha to user registration from Site Settings
    - Added: Set a default user rol from Site Settings
    - Added: New user role: 'Advanced User' and 'User' now is 'Basic User'
    - Added: Display Form Manager 'Actions' button to all users
    - Added: Refresh cache tool
    - Added: HTTP and HTTPS protocols supported
    - Added: Print form submission
    - Added: Format Number action on Form Rules
    - Added: Indonesian language
    - Improved: Grid Views footer design
    - Improved: Check user permissions
    - Improved: Change login page when 'anyone can register' is enabled
    - Improved: Addons module can update each addon version
    - Improved: Install Process, update and uninstall addons
    - Improved: Addons module events
    - Improved: User module updated to new version
    - Improved: Upload File validation on Multi Step forms
    - Improved: Multi-Step forms pager
    - Improved: Button component now supports 'button' input type
    - Improved: Form Builder. Add images or icons to checkboxes or radio buttons
    - Improved: Form Builder. Add icons to buttons
    - Improved: Form Builder. New button input type: 'button'
    - Fixed: Setup module error message
    - Fixed: Export CSV file with 'file' fields
    - Fixed: Reset password email
    - Fixed: Delete multiple themes
    - Fixed: Delete multiple templates
    - Fixed: Default local IP for testing
    - Fixed: XSS vulnerability in the Submission Manager
14.01.2016 - ver 1.2
    - Added: Pre-fill Form Widget with default values
    - Added: Forms with Password Protection
    - Added: Filters in Form Manager, Templates and Themes
    - Added: Rules Engine. If condition not accomplish, reset skip step
    - Improved: Form Builder with duplicated fields detector
    - Improved: Form Settings design
    - Improved: New migrations
    - Improved: Spanish language translation
    - Improved: Vendor's files has been updated.
    - Improved: Submission Event Handler with multiple cc and multiple bcc
    - Fixed: Email notifications with array value.
    - Fixed: Resize Form Widget on IE
    - Fixed: ThemeSearch table prefix
    - Fixed: UserSearch profile attribute
    - Fixed: Only validate by field type if input has a value
    - Fixed: Form Builder without mod_rewrite
    - Fixed: Delete Multiple Action on Form Manager
    - Fixed: Form Builder's checkbox and radio button edition on Firefox
    - Fixed: Dashboard Labels on Firefox
07.01.2016 - ver 1.1
    - Added: Webhooks Add-on
    - Added: Friendly urls of forms
    - Added: Update module
    - Added: Now Easy Forms works without mod_rewrite.
    - Added: 'record' param to Form Widget
    - Added: Cron jobs configuration with params
    - Added: Email delivery with PHP mail() function
    - Improved: Glyphicons version 1.9.2
    - Improved: Run migrations on background
    - Improved: Redirection and message after updating to a user
    - Improved: In-App Analytics configurations
    - Improved: Dashboard dates
    - Improved: Add icon to Rule Builder error message
    - Improved: Add icon to Report Builder success message
    - Improved: Spanish translation
    - Improved: Custom text of button on multi-step forms
    - Fixed: Show / hide columns in the Submission Manager
    - Fixed: Form Manager with table prefix.
    - Fixed: Submission event handler.
    - Fixed: Log out link
    - Fixed: Export submissions as CSV file
29.12.2015 - Initial release

Easy Forms: Advanced Form Builder and Manager - 7

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