Nulled Document Management free download

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Document Management-[Clean-Nulled].zip

Document Management is a self-hosted encrypted documents platform. You can easily host it without any coding
knowledge. It allows you to upload multiple files and share with unlimited system users for view.
It also allows you to share documents with specific period and allow download option.

Manage Documents
Encrypted Documents
Document Access Control
Audit Trails
Pdf and Doc Viewer
User Management
Access Management

Admin User
User Name: [email protected]
Password: admin@123

Employee User
User Name: [email protected]
Password: employee@123


  • Manage Documents: You can Store unlimited documents by category.
  • Encrypted Document: All documents store in encrypted form on server. Only system can descrypted
  • Document access control: Assign document to user or role for specific period of time or
    unlimited period
    and set allow download option.
  • Audit trails: Document detail Audit trail like Who is created, edited, viewed and assigned
    permission to
    which users or roles.
  • PDF and Doc Viewer: User can view document in any devices using viewer.
  • User & Role management: Admin can create User and Role via admin panel and assign role to
  • Access management: Role and individual user based privilege control authorization.

Project description

This Application is built to manage the User and Document based on Role/Claim.

It contains two application with Sql Server/MySql database:

  • Front-end (Angular 11).
  • Rest API (.Net core 3.1)
  • SQL Server/MySql Database (All version greater than 2005)

Enterprise level architect for both Front-End and Rest API.

Functional Feature

  1. User Registration, Login, Change Password, Reset
    Password, User Profile
  2. CRUD Operation for Role, User, Document Category,
  3. Upload Document, View Document (PDF and
  4. Document Audit, Notification
  5. Screens(Pages) Permission to Role and Individual 
  6. Document Permission to Roles and Individual
  7. Document Listing with Server side pagination,filtering
    and sorting.

Technical Features:

  1. Source code for angular front-end, .net core Rest API
    and Database Script includes with quick start guide document
  2. Follow the Enterprise level architecture standard For
    REST API likes  
    1. Generic Repository Patterns
    2. Unit of work Patterns
    3. Uses Swagger for API documentation.
    4. Dependency Injection
    5. Mediator patterns
    6. Standard Naming conventions
    7. Token Based Authentication and Claim Based
      Authorization using JWT
    8. Less coupling
    9. Easier reuse
    10. Single Responsibility Principle
    11. Open/closed principle
    12. Easy to convert into microservices
    13. Easy to add new modules and modified existing
    14. Async/Await Patterns for Each Methods
    15. Generic way to Handle REST API Status code
    16. Validate Rest Request Entity with Fluent
    17. Store Logging info into Database using NLOG
  1. Follow the Enterprise level architecture standard For
    ANGULAR likes 
    1. Seperate each feature modules
    2. Fully strongly type
    3. Lazy loading
    4. Common Shared Module
    5. Core Module
    6. State Management with NGRX Data
    7. Generic Service for Pagination,Filtering and
    8. Easy to add feature module
    9. Easy to upgrade into latest version
    10. Generic Error Handling
    11. Common HTTP Interceptor to set REST API URL and
      Loading indicator

Technologies User for projects,

  • Front-end (Angular).
    1. Angular 11
    2. Angular Material
    3. Bootstrap 4
    4. Ngrx Data
    5. PDF & DOC Viewer (ngx-extended-pdf-viewer,
    6. Toastr
  • Rest API (.Net core)
    1. .Net 5
    2. Entity Framework Core 5
    3. Mediatr 
    4. NLog
    5. Automapper 10.1
    6. FluentValidation 9.2.2
    7. Swagger API

It can also be used as a starter template those applications need Token and Claim
based Authentication.

Application is designed for extensibility you can add your own module and Assign
permission to new modules that have been developed.

Project Features

  • Role Based Authentication.
  • Individual User Based Authentication.
  • User management.
  • Role Management.
  • Upload document, Assign Permission to Role as well
    Individual User and can view the assigned document.

Project Requirement

  • Vs Code and Visual Studio 2019.
  • SQL Server/MySql Database.

Latest Technologies

This project covered all the latest technology including .NET core 3.1, EF Core
3.1.6, Bootstrap 4 UI framework, Angular 11, Angular Material

API Documentation

The API project has a well descriptive Swagger API documentation.

Log File

The Client project uses NLog (a 3rd party logger service) to generate a log text file
as well it can be log into SQL/MySql database.

Full Live Demo

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Free Download


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