Nulled Bazaar | iOS Social Listings Shopping Application free download

Bazaar | iOS Social Listings Shopping Application-[Clean-Nulled].zip

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Bazaar is a full-working App Template for posting Ads and browsing listings within the app, find cool stuff, like and share posts to popular social networks, chat with users to discuss price, shipping or anything else.
It has a lot of features like editing profile, block users, built-in chat, and much more.
It’s backend is by Parse Server and it’s hosted on back4app – NO MySQL database involved. Parse Server is flexible, reliable, open source, based on Node.js and well supported by a large community of developers, and back4app is a great BaaS hosting website where you can configure your database, Push Notifications and Facebook login features in just a few clicks.
This template includes an extensive HTML Documentation file that explains how to configure the app’s features and database.

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As per Envato Marketplace Terms, the Extended License applies to all applications that charge money to their users. In case your users will not be charged of money through your own version of this app, you can still buy it under a Regular license.
Therefore, you must buy this template under and Extended License if your plans are either one or more of the following:

  • Add In-App Purchase or any other Payment Gateway in the source code and publish the app for free on the App/Play Store – NOTE: If you want to publish your own version of this application for FREE only, then you can still buy it under a Regular License.
  • Publish this application as a PAID app on the App Store.
  • Transfer the live app of your own verison of this app on the App/Play Store to another owner by selling your ownership on or similar marketplaces.

IMPORTANT: You are NOT allowed to sell or share the original source code of this template anywhere due to copyright infringement

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  • iOS Swift language – Native Xcode project
  • Storyboard – iOS 9.0 and above – Universal
  • Backend with Parse Server hosted on
  • Browse stuff from people you follow and don’t, and yours too in the Home screen
  • Built-in chat with sellers
  • Change location with a custom Map screen
  • Email verification
  • Edit/Delete your own Ads from the Listing info screen
  • Share listings to popular social network apps, Mail or Message
  • Report inappropriate listings or people
  • Like listings
  • Search listings by keywords
  • Custom Map screen
  • Notifications screen (check likes and followers notifications)
  • See your Account’s data
  • Setting screen with options like Reset Password, Edit Profile’s info, Push Notifications on/off
  • Intro, Login and Sign Up custom screens
  • Terms of Use and Privacy Policy HTML file (GDPR compliant)
  • Facebook login
  • Push Notifications
  • AdMob Interstitial ads
  • Modern, clean UI design
  • Documentation included in the package
  • PSD icons included in the package

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  • The latest official version of Xcode (no Betas)
  • An Apple Mac computer, updated to its latest OS version
  • An Apple Developer Account with an active iOS Development Program
  • Basic knowledge of Xcode and Swift language
  • An active AdMob account
  • A real device to test the app before submitting it to the App Store (the Simulator doesn’t support Camera and Push Notifications
  • A free account on

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March 29, 2019
- Updated to Xcode 10.2 - Swift 5

March 22, 2019
- Updated AdMob SDK to 7.42.0 version, which means that I've added the following .frameworks files to the project:
   • GoogleMobileAds.framework
   • GoogleAppMeasurement.framework
   • GoogleUtilities.framework
   • nanopb.framework

- Added the "-ObjC" value in the 'Other Linker Flag' row in the 'Build Settings' tab
- Added 'import GoogleMobileAds' on the top of the 'AppDelegate.swift' file
- Added the following code into the 'didFinishLaunchingWithOptions() delegate function in the 'Appdelegate.swift' file:
    // Initialize AdMob
    GADMobileAds.sharedInstance().start(completionHandler: nil)

- Updated the Documentation
February 13, 2019
- Removed the 'fakeTxt' TextField in the Storyboard and renamed the 'fakeView' IBOutlet into 'writeMessageView'
- Added the Send button IBOutlet and moved the messageTxt into that 'writeMessageView'
- Removed the code that initializes a keyboard toolbar into 'viewDidLoad() in the 'Messages.swift' file
- Updated the Messages.swift file with the necessary code that checks for keyboard shown/hidden
- Added a Swipegesturerecognizer instance in the Storyboard of the Messages ViewController, declared it as an IBAction and placed the code to dismiss the Image Preview View on swipe down
January 31, 2019
- Updated the following Facebook SDK Frameworks into 4.40.0 version:

You can find those .framework files into the 'Parse' folder - it's into the project folder.
January 23, 2019
- Edited the 'sellButt()' function in 'SellEditItem.swift', in order to send a Push Notification to all those Users who follow the currentUser
January 20, 2019
- Fixed a small typo in the 'AdInfo.swift' file -> 'optionsButt()' function - into the SHARE AD method - by replacing 'alert' with 'actVC', so now the sharing option works on iPad, and the code looks like this:
    actVC.modalPresentationStyle = .popover 
    actVC.popoverPresentationController?.sourceView = self.view
    actVC.popoverPresentationController?.sourceRect = sender.frame
    self.present(actVC, animated: true, completion: nil)

- Added this code into the 'viewDiAppear()' function in the 'Account.swift' file:
    // Recall query
    if !noReload {
        noReload = false

- Added this line into the 'deleteButt()' function in SellEditItem.swift:
    noReload = false

- Added an AlertController called 'alert2' in the 'markAsSoldButt()' function in the 'SellEditStuff.swift' file
- Added 'noReload = false' in the 'sellButt()' function, into the Alert that has the following message:
    "Congratulations, your stuff has been successfully posted!" 

January 18, 2019
- Added a public function called 'Reachability' into the 'Configurations.swift' file, and wrapped the 'func getCurrentLocation()' and 'func queryAds()' functions in 'Home.swift' into an IF statement like this:
    if !Reachability.isInternetConnectionAvailable(){
            simpleAlert("Internet Connection is not available, please enable WiFi or Mobile data!")
        } else {
        }// ./ If Internet connection

- Removed 'let' from this line into 'func showItemDetails()' function in 'SellEditStuff.swift', so it now looks like this:
     // Negotiable
     isNegotiable = adObj[ADS_IS_NEGOTIABLE] as! Bool
January 17, 2019
- Fixed a crash - occurred after deleting an Ad and then entering the Chats screen - by editing the 'let delete = UIAlertAction()' functions into SellEditStuff.swift and AdInfo.swift

•• Into the Configurations.swift file:
- Added these lines:
    let MESSAGES_DELETED_BY = "deletedBy" 
    let CHATS_DELETED_BY = "deletedBy" 

•• Into the Messages.swift file:
- Added this line into the 'sendMessageButt()' function:
    mObj[MESSAGES_DELETED_BY] = [String]()

- Added this line into the 'queryMessages()' function:
    query.whereKey(MESSAGES_DELETED_BY, notContainedIn: [currentUser.objectId!])

- Added this line into the 'saveLastMessageInChats()' function:
    chatsObj[CHATS_DELETED_BY] = [String]()

- Edited the 'let deleteChat = UIAlertAction()' function, in order to allow users to delete chat messages only for them, so the ones who they were talking to can still see all messages.

•• Into the Chats.swift file:
- Added this line into 'queryChats()' function:
    query.whereKey(CHATS_DELETED_BY, notContainedIn: [currentUser.objectId!])

**IMPORTANT**: IF THIS IS AN UPDATE FOR YOU, you must perform the following steps:
1. Compare your old files with the ones mentioned above, and perform code changes.
2. After you've performed the code changes, run the app and send at least a chat message to your test users by using the app.
3. Stop the app, enter your Parse Dashboard -> 'Messages' class, find the 'deletedBy' column and fill all its empty cells  by typing [ ] into each one, one by one (double-click into a cell -> type [ ] -> hit Enter)
4. Do the same thing into the 'Chats' class
January 8, 2019
- Added a TextField delegate function in 'Filters.swift' that allows you to type only numbers in the 'From price' and To price' TextFields
November 16, 2018
- Edited Settings.swift in order to dismiss the keyboard when you hit the Cancel button by adding this line of code into the 'cancelOptionButt()' function:
November 5, 2018
- Just changed the Documentation design
September 19, 2018
- Fixed the Sell Stuff button's position on iPhone XR and XS Max by using this code in Home.swift and Account.swift -> viewDidLoad() function:
    // iPhone X/S, iPhone XS Max, XR
    if UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height == 812 || UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height == 896 {
        sellStuffView.frame.origin.y = view.frame.size.height - 90 - sellStuffView.frame.size.height
        adsCollView.frame.size.height = adsCollView.frame.size.height - sellStuffView.frame.size.height
September 18, 2018
- Updated to Xcode 10 - Swift 4.2
- Added 2 launch images into Assets.xcassets/Brand Assets folder (the iPhone XS Max and XR images)
August 2, 2018
- Added a few lines of code into the 'viewDidLoad()' function on Home.swift and Account.swift files, in order to have the Sell Stuff button not to be hidden by the TabBar on the iPhone X:
    if UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height == 812 {
            // iPhone X
            sellStuffView.frame.origin.y = view.frame.size.height - 90 - sellStuffView.frame.size.height
            adsCollView.frame.size.height = adsCollView.frame.size.height - sellStuffView.frame.size.height
July 30, 2018
- First release, iOS 9.0 and above
- Native Xcode project, Swift language
- Compatible with all iOS devices

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For any support requests, please contact me through my Profile’s Contact Form

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Your support is always appreciated, from comments to product’s reviews, so please write us a review HERE

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