Nulled AQUA Water supply management admin templete free download

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AQUA Water supply management admin templete-[Clean-Nulled].zip

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1. What is Regular License ( $39 )
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.

2. What is Extended License ( $399 )
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.

3. Do I need to purchase a license for each website?
You need a separate license for each website.

4. Do you Charge for each Upgrade?
Not at all

Aqua, a modern, clean premium quality messaging template based on Bootstrap v5 using concept-driven and minimal design. It’s well-optimized with a mobile responsive approach. Aqua was built using SASS preprocessor, HTML5, CSS3, and the help of useful jQuery plugins.

Aqua feature:

A never before design with a feature for Chat Applications with highly customizable UI/UX components.

On One Click Theme Customization changing Font Color, Font Style & Font Size.

An eye soothing Color selected from the color pallet. But also easy integration of color by just updating the color code.

Black & White High Contrast Theme which is popular as a Dark Mode/Night Mode with also the option to change color according to ambient lighting.

Even we have integrated Calendar with Event, To-Do listing, and Notes.

In The Box:

  • Bootstrap v5 (Zip file )
  • A ready-to-use version of the theme
  • CSS & SCSS source codes
  • JavaScript source codes
  • All plugins & libraries
  • 7+ Different Icon Family
  • Documentation


Version 1.0.0 – 26 June 2024

-- Initial Release
  1. Browsers: Works well in all the latest browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Edge
  2. General: All images are only used for Preview purposes. They are not part of the template and are NOT included in the final purchase files. It does not include any Business logic to produce database records
  3. Plugin: All the Third-party plugins we use are installed via NPM and have their support and updates separately. InScaler can only support the version of the plugins used in the template. It applies to all the framework packages as well
  4. Bootstrap 5: The HTML version is built upon the Bootstrap 5 SCSS. The Frontend framework native bootstrap components will only support bootstrap 4 now, and we are overwriting it with bootstrap 5. In the future, when there will be the support of Native components for frontend frameworks, our team will replace overwritten bootstrap 5 with native bootstrap 5 for that framework.

Full Live Demo

Mercifully Note: We refresh new substance like WordPress Themes,
Plugins, PHP Scripts ordinary. In any case, recall that you
ought to never utilize this things in a business site.
Every one of the substance posted here for advancement
and testing reason as it were. We’re not in charge of
any harm, use at your own particular RISK! We highly recommend to buy AQUA Water supply management admin templete from the The Developer ( NSDBytes ) website. Thank you.

Free Download


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