Nulled Advanced Horizontal Vertical Layout for PHPMaker 2018 Template free download

Advanced Horizontal Vertical Layout for PHPMaker 2018 Template-[Clean-Nulled].zip


This is the first PHPMaker 2018 Template file that released on this planet after PHPMaker 2018 was released on July 25, 2017 (about three weeks ago). Yes, within only three weeks (it actually took two weeks, and one week for submission approval from CodeCanyon), this template is ready to use for your PHPMaker 2018 projects.

This is not just template. Many new functionalities were added into this template. Now it’s time for you to get the beautiful and rich Template for PHPMaker 2018. You only need pay once and get all the future updates for PHPMaker 2018 from me.

For those of you who don’t know about PHPMaker, yet, please visit PHPMaker website.

This Template will change completely the look and feel of your generated PHPMaker Web Applications. It includes Horizontal and Vertical Menu Layout, which you can switch from one to another so quick and easy.

Extension included to select all the related setting options, before generating the unique Web Applications.


The main reason why you should use this template, because there are so many enhancements were added into this template that have not been handled by the original PHPMaker 2018 Template file.

Please note that PHPMaker 2018 uses the free AdminLTE template, but with limited features in its layout, design, and ability. For example:
– It does not include Box and Widebox Layout,
– It does not have the ability to switch from Horizontal to Vertical Layout on-the-fly,
– It does not include the Hover and/or Click menu-trigger ability,
– It does not handle Expanded and Expanded Popover Sidebar Menu,
– It does not include Overlay sidebar menu effect,
– It does not have the ability to change the Theme Settings (such as header/footer colors, sidebar color, footer color, etc) on-the-fly,
– It does not have the ability to save the changes of the theme settings,
– and many others more …

You can compare between AdminLTE and this Template via the demo above, and feel the advanced different features among them. For more information, please also see the following features below.


1. Horizontal Menu Layout
2. Vertical Menu Layout
3. Layout Theme Settings Selector
4. Header Theme Color (10 options available)
5. Left-Header Theme Color (10 options available)
6. NavBar Theme Color (10 options available)
7. Footer Theme Color (10 options available)
8. Main Container Theme Color (9 options available)
9. Active Item Theme Color (10 options available)
10. Background Patterns (9 options available)
11. Header Position (Fixed, Relative)
12. Footer Position (Fixed, Relative)
13. Menu Position (Fixed, Relative)
14. Item Menu Border (Show, Hidden)
15. Subitem Menu Border (Show, Hidden)
16. Menu Border Style (Solid, Dotted, Dashed)
17. Navigation View (3 options available)
18. Theme Style (Square, Rounded)
19. Theme Vertical Layout (Wide, Boxed, Widebox)
20. Menu Trigger (Hover, Click)
21. Vertical Sidebar Effect (Shrink, Overlay, Push)
22. Horizontal Menu Icon (Show, Hidden)
23. Default Vertical Menu (Collapsed, Expanded, Expanded PopOver)
24. Smart Layout for Desktop, Tablet, and Phone
25. Sticky Header
26. Sticky Footer
27. Sticky Menu/Navbar
28. Menu Hover
29. Menu Click
30. Collapsed/Expanded Sidebar
31. Menu Item Group
32. Auto Highlight Current Menu Item and Its Parent
33. Restore to Default Settings
34. User Profile Dropdown Menu
35. Responsive Design 100%
36. Screen Loading Status
37. Local Google Font
38. Alertify Message/Notification System
39. Popup Confirmation Message on Add/Copy/Edit Popup Dialog
40. Modal Dialog, Portlet, and Default option for Login, Forgot Password, Registration, and Change Password Pages
41. Help-Online Ready on All the Generated Pages
42. Terms and Conditions on The Registration Page
43. Username, Email, and Username & Email options in Password Recovery Page
44. Smart Search Panel Status in List Page
45. Dynamic User Permissions for Export Data
46. Countdown to Time Remaining Sessions
47. Table-Level Setting Options (via Extension)
48. Project-Level Setting Options (via Extension)
49. Show Empty Table in List Page and Preview Page
50. Clean Printer Friendly, only white, black, and bold; no colors, no style
51. Page Size custom position, whether left or right
52. Support Database_Connecting for Database Helper class
53. Record Range table setting for NumericPage paging section style
54. Maximum Selected Record per Page table setting for List Page
55. Sequence Record Number table setting for the Exported Page
56. Table width style will always now consistent to be adjusted to the maximum screen width
57. Calendar Scheduler (from with CRUD using PDO
58. Fully RTL (Right-To-Left) Layout Orientation
59. Clean Interface
60. Clean Code
61. Easy and Quick to Implement for any PHPMaker 2018 project
62. Maintained regularly
63. Always Stay Updated to the Latest PHPMaker 2018 Version.


June 15, 2018:
1. Fixed the default initial search panel issue does not work.
2. Improved the default ThemeLayout from "horizontal" now default as "vertical".
3. Improved highlighting/expanding, now also supports for Master/Detail page. 

June 9, 2018
1. Fixed highlighting/expanding another parent menu item that has the similar Table/Page Title with the current page, now only the parent menu item that belongs to the current page will be expanded/highlighted properly.
2. Fixed the messy for the Horizontal Menu items, especially when the parent menu items are too many in a single navbar, then the rest of items will become move to the next row, now the menu items will be automatically be located from the very left side properly.
3. Fixed the Application Description in Horizontal Menu Layout, by adding some more spaces before it.

May 24, 2018:
1. Fixed displaying "Deleting ..." message when Row_CustomAction code is being executed, now changed to "Processing ...".
2. Fixed user Javascript code will not be executed when Modal dialog is enabled for "Add" and "Edit" pages.
3. Fixed displaying "View" and "Cancel" button on Modal dialog that displays the View Page, now only displays "Close" button.
4. Improved Reset button height so it will be the same with the height of the other buttons that surround it.

May 15, 2018:
Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

April 9, 2018:
1. Improved project stylesheet file by adding the auto version when included in header.php file, so that when you as Web Developer add your own custom css code, then end-users will automatically download/use the latest version from their browser.
2. Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

March 30, 2018:
1. Improved "breadcrumblinksaddsp.php", "breadcrumblinkschecksp.php", "breadcrumblinksdeletesp.php", and "breadcrumblinksmovesp.php" files so that it can be accessed by user with level Administrator only.
2. Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

March 26, 2018:
1. Added the instructions about How to Implement MasinoBreadcrumbLinks.
2. Added some .sql files to generate the Stored Procedures in MySQL database.

March 17, 2018:
Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

February 28, 2018:
1. Added multi-language support for email template files of Change Password, Forgot Password (Password Recovery), and Registration Pages.
2. Improved the Subject section of email template by adding the Application Title information for Change Password, Forgot Password (Password Recovery), and Registration Pages.

February 21, 2018:
Added the ability to check whether users are allowed to register their account by themselves or not.

February 16, 2018:
1. Added "en.js" file inside "locale" subfolder of "moments" in the template to prevent error message when datetime picker is being used from Custom Files.
2. Fixed warning message when undefined session variable is not set for the announcement and maintenance handling.
3. Replaced "defineLocale" with "updateLocale" to prevent error that raised by fullcalendar. Read:

February 8, 2018:
1. Improved too much space between the Checkbox control and its Label for multiselect in Lookup Modal dialog window.
2. Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

January 17, 2018:
1. Fixed Sidebar Position is not working properly when RTL is enabled and Sidebar Fixed position is enabled.
2. Fixed User Profile Dropdown is not showing when RTL is enabled and Theme Vertical Layout is Widebox.
3. Fixed tab-content position is not located properly issue when RTL is enabled.

January 12, 2018:
1. Fixed Submenu is not located properly when RTL is enabled, Sidebar Position is Collapsed, and Sidebar is not Fixed.
2. Fixed Sidebar toggle is not located properly when RTL is enabled and Theme Vertical Layout is Widebox.

January 9, 2018:
1. New feature: RTL (Right-To-Left) Layout Orientation; both for Horizontal and Vertical Menu Layout.
2. Updated the demo project and demo site by adding the third language: Arabic for RTL implementation.
3. Fixed selected text issue does not highlighted properly.
4. Fixed "#" character in URL issue that will cause visiting to another page will not work.
5. Improved arrow style in User Profile dropdown section, now it looks better and more consistent with the menu item style.

December 29, 2017:
1. Fixed Add/Edit Modal dialog not working issue when triggered from View Modal dialog.
2. Improved indentation of text menu item (especially if contains 2 lines) for submenu level 2, 3, and 4 now looks better.
3. Improved auto-focus on Search textbox when Modal dialog for Lookup Field is displayed.
4. Improved auto-focus on first element on the Add-On-The-Fly form when Modal dialog is displayed.
5. Updated Alertify Javascript to the latest version (v1.11.0).
6. Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

December 23, 2017:
Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build 14.0.6.

December 13, 2017:
1. Fixed missing ListOptions_Rendering server event.
2. Fixed PageTitle issue for Custom files.

December 1, 2017:
Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

November 25, 2017:
Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

November 20, 2017:
Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

November 15, 2017:
Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

November 3, 2017:
1. Improved Grid-Add and Grid-Edit by implementing scrolling table.
2. Improved Empty Table on List Page, by excluding the logic from Grid mode (no double table displayed anymore).
3. Improved 2 level of submenu indentation for Vertical Menu, now it looks better and more eye-catchy.

October 24, 2017:
Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

October 8, 2017:
1. Improved MasinoCalendarSchedulerTemplate extension, by adding a new dropdown field that lookup to "users" (for demo, using "employees") table.
2. Improved Menu class by adding some new methods.
3. Improved Auto-Highlight Menu logic, now supports for Add, Edit, Delete, View, Search, and Update pages.

October 4, 2017:
Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

September 29, 2017:
Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

September 15, 2017:
1. Improved another external page other than Custom Files now can be included in Auto-Highlight Menu logic,
2. Improved Announcement and Maintenance features, now can be adjusted from Database side,
3. Improved Menu Text indentation for Submenu level 2, now it is increased more space to the right,
4. Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

September 7, 2017:
1. Fixed User Profile Dropdown does not work issue, in Widebox Layout of Tablet mode,
2. Fixed Checkbox position issue in Login Page and Multi-Update Page,
3. Improved User Profile by saving the last logout date and time for each registered user,
4. Improved logic always compare root URL,
5. Improved ShowMessage function,
6. Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

September 1, 2017:
1. Fixed Delete event does not work issue, for Calendar Scheduler,
2. Fixed locale other than English does not work issue, for Calendar Scheduler,
3. Improved MSDBLIB connection for MS SQL Server Database,
4. Improved Font Size for Dropdown User Profile via Extension Settings,
5. Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build

August 30, 2017:
1. Fixed User Profile Dropdown menu issue, which does not work in Widebox of Vertical Layout,
2. Improved default Foreground Color from white to the closest background color for the related themes,
3. Improved User Profile Dropdown Foreground Color when hovered, now always set to white for consistency reason,
4. Improved menu for Change Password, now it has always link to the Change Password Page; useful if it uses Modal Dialog.

August 25, 2017:
1. Improved the font weight style for Table Header in List Page, now always bold.
2. Improved label and control width proportion for the Form of Add, Edit, and Search pages.
3. Improved menu for Login, now it has always link to the Login Page; useful if Login Page uses Modal Dialog.
4. Improved User Profile Dropdown, now the user icon and the dropdown arrow can trigger the dropdown menu to be shown.
5. Improved auto-adjust for Vertical Layout in Tablet and Phone mode when browser window is resized.
6. Synchronized to PHPMaker 2018 Template build 

August 16, 2017:
1. Fixed Table Width issue in the List page, if the Template Settings extension is not being used/enabled.
2. Added Print TAC, Activate Account, and Breadcrumblinks custom pages into the template.
3. Dropped AdminLTE style, and replace it with the customized version of stylesheet from PHPMaker v2017.
4. Improved Table Width in the List Page, now by default it will always be adjusted to the maximum screen width for consistency reason.
5. Improved the style for Tab of Multi Page, now will always use the default nav from Bootstrap 3.
6. Improved the style for Upper Panel, Lower Panel, and Table Header in List Page.
7. Improved the style for Highlight and Selected Row of Table in List Page.

August 15, 2017:
Initial release.

Full Live Demo

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